Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Paul was up early and at the Columbus airport by 5 am EST. He and bike arrived safely in Portland without incident. Bike was assembled and Paul pedaled out of the airport about 2 pm Oregon time. It was VERY hot - over 100 - with high temperatures predicted again tomorrow. He was about 4 miles from St. Helens when he called (9 pm EST) where he planned to stop for the night at a campground. It may be early for bed there, but it was a LONG travel day. He's headed to Astoria and the Pacific Ocean on this first leg of the trip. Ann


Bruce B. said...

Glad to hear that the great adventure is going well.

Peckerhead Estrogen said...

Living the dream through you. I'm sure your experience as my bike guy has already come in handy. Be safe and enjoy the adventure.

Wildman said...

Hey bro. Sounds like the journey is going well. Share your food, karma. Put the pedal to the metal and hear you roar. Gotta work to morrow. Envy, Peace and Love, Wm